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14. 10. 2008

1.       Mammoths ……………. ………………..big animals like elephants. (be)


2.        Mammoths ……………………….. …..100 years ago. (not live)


3.        Mammoths ………………………………. a long time ago. (live)


4.        Some dinosaurs ………………. in the air and some …………………….  in the sea. (fly / swim)


5.        Mammoths …………………….. meat. They …………………………………..  grass. ( not eat / eat)


6.        They  ………………………………………………two large tusks about three metres long. (have)


7.        He……………………………..  some milk. He ……………………….  any water. (drink / not drink)


8.        She only………………….  1 pound. She …………………………….  3 pounds. (spend / not spend)


9.        I …………………………….. some elephants. I ………………………………..  any lions. (see / not see)


10.    They …………………………….. in the sea, but ………………………..  in the lake. (swim / not swim)