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Past simple - minulý čas

30. 1. 2008

1. Dejte slovesa v závorce do minulého času.

1. I  (walk) to work last week.

2. He  (study) computers for five years.

3. They  (arrive) late for the party.

4. We  (marry) in a church.

5. It  (end) at 6 pm.

6. Ellen  (wait) for an hour.

7. You  (like) the movie. I didn't.

8. Bob  (need) that book yesterday.

9. They  (use) my new pen.

10. The teacher  (help) the students after class

2. Doplňte do vět jedno z následujících slov minulém čase.

buy, give, see, do, go, take, write, drink, have, tell

  1. I ........... a quick lunch in the office.
  2. He......... a lot of Cola at the party.
  3. My boyfriend ................ me a gold ring for my birthday.
  4. She ................ me that she was tired.
  5. Last summer they .............. on holiday in Italy.
  6. I ............... my homework last night.
  7. I .............. three new books at the bookshop yesterday.
  8. I think I ........... this film on TV three weeks ago.
  9. I was late so I ............... My father's car.
  10. Allan Edgar Poe .............. many interesting stories.

Tvořte věty.

  1. (When/you/leave/the party?) When did you leave the party?
  2. (When/you/finish/your exams?) ............................................
  3. (I/wait/for an hour, but he/not/phone.)....................................
  4. (you/watch/the newson TV last night?)...................................
  5. (Mark/stop/smoking last month and he /start/playing tennis).....
  6. (He /ask/me a question, but I/not/know/the answer.)................
  7. (I/live/hthere for a few years, but I/not/like/the place.).............