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Testík - co je špatně

7. 3. 2009

In each group of four, there is one incorrect sentence. Which one is

incorrect? Ve skupinkách je vždy jedna věta nesprávná. Která a proč?

1. Present simple - přítomný prostý

a. We play football every weekend

b. Do you like fish?

c. I feel sick.

d. He works at home today.

2. Present continuous - přítomný průběhový

a. I am learning Arabic at the moment.

b. Is she sleeping?

c. Look! They’re painting their house red!

d. I’m really liking this cake – it’s delicious.

3. Past simple - minulý prostý

a. We played tennis on Friday

b. Where did you go yesterday?

c. Did you like the film?

d. I knew him all my life until now.

4. Questions - otázky

a. Do you want some tea?

b. Is he here?

c. Who did break the window?

d. How often do you have classes?

5. Word order - pořádek slov ve větě

a. It was a big green bird.

b. She speaks well English

c. Are you feeling OK?

d. Who were you talking to?

6. Auxiliaries - pomocná slovesa

a. I really do not agree with you.

b. Do you want to help me or not?

c. Does he is leaving today?

d. Will you finish this work for me?